thirdtypetapes ThirdTypeTapes Third Type Tapes TTT tape label beats noise breakcore electronique harsh dark indus C_C Exoterrism Terrificolor CCCPu N'alov cassette DJ Die Soon Le Matin Yogidata ilill Holzkopf G4Z Nah Rough Americana Mutamassik Morgan Craft 6.R.M.E. Le Syndicat Sturqen




STURQEN are César Rodrigues and David Arantes, a duo from Portugal that is active since 2009. They have been active on playing concerts and releasing albums, EPs, remixes, sound pieces to art festivals and podcasts. Their music explores a vast amount of sonic intensities with a radical and highly physical approach to sound. An anarchy of unpredictable impulses.
Their compositions, difficult to classify, vary from mechanical post-industrial to anarchic landscapes where improvisation leaves no room for monotonous moments.

Zona Nervo
TTT14 // Sturqen // Zona Nervo